“To All my Family and Friends (Especially those that live in Dallas County): I have known Sheriff Infante for the majority of my 35 years as a law enforcement officer. I worked very closely with Sheriff Infante for many years when the waters were smooth and times were good. I also worked with him during times of crisis. I can tell you firsthand that he is and will always be the kind of cop you want to protect your community. He is a born leader and will never shy away from the core duty of law enforcement…crime prevention and public safety. As a retired Lieutenant with the West Des Moines Police Department I could not ask for a better person to serve as Dallas County Sheriff! Please consider donating to his campaign if you can. Iowan’s need law enforcement leaders like Adam. ”

Ken O'Brien, retired West Des Moines Lieutenant

“I don't want to this come across as kissass by any means but wanted to convey to you how proud I am to work for you and for this department. Your leadership and true care for your people really is felt and having worked here for a while I have seen it numerous times and makes me beyond proud to be like "hell yeah, that's my boss!"

Dallas County Deputy

“I just wanted to express my appreciation to you for everything you did. From my perspective, I think you did everything right and handled it exactly how I would want my Sheriff to. Thank you!”

Dallas County Deputy

“From your words. You feel sometimes you don’t tell us enough that we do a good job. I know for a fact we as deputies (and for sure myself) haven’t told you enough that you have really stepped into the role as sheriff and done a great job! I think you have grown a lot over time into a great leader. I’m proud to work for you!"

Dallas County Deputy

“Just wanted to also say that I am so proud to be working for this department and how proud and appreciative I am to have you as our leader. I have gotten several texts from friends from other agencies and other states who saw the press conferences and said they would love to work for you.

Dallas County Deputy


© Adam Infante for Sheriff. All rights reserved.

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